What are Dom and Brian talking about? (wrong/hilarious answers only)
What are you doing in this situation?
A man try to save his friend during war
Should I replace my turbo I'm putting in a new short block
Most petty warranty claim
19F curious to see what people say
I'm running out of space.
What y’all think? Would chief drive this?
Nazis in Boston Common
Shame on you Denver Public Schools.
Is this a good deal guys?
Broth gone bad
Day by day probability is increasing
NASA says 'City killer' asteroid now has 3.1% chance of hitting Earth
"What semi?"
It really is a Nissan every time 😭
Kickflips ain't flippin
As a game made by Japanese developers, DD is the closest thing to the original D&D concept
A skier witnessed the stunning phenomenon known as 'Sun candle'
Game brakes at intro screen (PC)
AIO UPDATE: “friend” gave me 🍃brownies without my knowledge or consent.
Every month I see one of these posts
There's no way this is real.
Got it done
My wife thinks the game is called Killed in action
what's your longest kill XD