What can I expect as a new hire through MBO?
If Trump were to ask JD Vance to do something illegal, do you think he would go through with it?
How do you reason with someone who believes that the government is creating and intensifying hurricanes in order to harm people?
[Dark Souls 3] I have finally done it :’)
I have finally platinumed DS3! It was quite the journey.
First day tomorrow but still haven’t heard back officially regarding my onboarding and background check… am I still good?
It's... finally... over
[Conversation] Which platinum trophy are you presently attempting to earn?
an absolute chad pic
[Far Cry 3] Returned to an old favorite and finally platinumed it!
Y’all fw my rating?
The last 2 games you played are getting a crossover what is it!
Is this the most out of pocket quote in the show?
Discovered that Wayne did a wokeuplikethis remix
songs that made you say “wow” out loud
What should i name my female cat?
What ken song is that
Whose side are you choosing and why?
What was the first song that got you into rap?
Would Michael Jackson be a fan of Ken?
Is there a way to hide the actual game icons/pictures from the homepage on the PS4?
This sub is in shambles
Behind the scenes of Yonkers (2011)
what do yall think average user of this sub looks like 🤔
New picture of Ken on his 24th birthday