Am I on alot of Copium for thinking the second image to the left is a new Ad Mech unit?
Why create a list, when you can just post pics of your 2k Halocreed list.
Conduit of the Omnissiah
What would you guys add to make this from 500 to 1000 points?
I feel this dragoon is missing something. Any Critique and criticism welcome.
What units are actually eligible for a pile in move in 40k 10th?
He's done literally nothing in the 6 games i've used him. At least he has a decent paint job.
I'm really happy with how this came out. Any Critique and/or criticism is welcome.
My first big Knight. Not the best job but i'm proud of it.
How good are the kastellans in the current meta
Onager or Kastelan?
Robot Bois
Elimination Maniple
I yearn for the day I'm not totally reliant on breachers and robots to stand any chance of winning.
How can you use kastalans and cyberneticas effectively?
Are the points a good thing?
Admech rules changes for boarding action games
Favorite HQ Options
charge phase modifiers
Charge Phase modifiers
Attacks and consolidation.
Help with friend
Guaranteed death company charge with forlorne fury?
How to get the most out of your Death Company
Forlorne Fury Charges