Unpopular opinion: Kaat Williams is boring as hell
Favorite TV show or movie cutaway joke.
Why do humans cling so desperately to the illusion of purpose, knowing it’s self-authored?
sweet k-pop song of a man reminding a tired working woman at home to make sure she eats
What aesthetic is this called
Which body type is more attractive in women? (In general vs social media)
What commonly used expression do you really hate?
A normal donut animation, no sim this time
My brother died today
Help pls…
What's yall's favorite episode?
This photo should be in the dictionary next to incredulity
If a man (6'0", 200 pounds) is fully emptied out (like a jack-o-latern), who can fit in him?
What would your reaction be if you saw this when you walked into a friend's room?
Favorite business name?
Becoming an adult and realizing the true limits in life is heartbreaking
I am a professional trader and these are my KEY SECTORS TO WATCH IN 2025. 🔥🔥 Will add individual names to follow to this post in due time. ‼️
humans are extremely strange
Lil Peeps "friend" records & posts him overdosing instead of calling the ambulance
Day 1 of trying to get a comment from every Wisconsin county
How rich people pay no taxes
Greek island
What would C.G Jung have said about this ?
Anyone seeing weird things around today?
Gone real fast