Wtf is this. 😂😂😂
I hope the price of eggs was worth your reputation, America.
Is he screwed at this point?
Everyone Is Not Awesome
Make it make sense
Question about a grievance.
The Supervisor position just opened up in my office and is currently posted, I’m thinking of applying… thoughts?
Renfroe on DeJoy
Can I get in trouble for not being available on a day I wasn't scheduled?
Ex wife mail coming to our new address???
AIO about this potentially being an immediate reg flag?
How is everyone's Tuesday going with 3 days worth of mail?
Best gift I got as a child 🖍️
Recording/Streaming while on the job?
RCA work schedule
Kids first hockey game
Forced resignation due to OIG investigation.
RCA sick note
SPR’s in the parcel hampers
Unfortunate placement of letters in my sons football pic
Letter of demand
This is the end