Decent PG-13 movie about the Civil War
My siblings and I call my grandfather “The Colonel”. What can you tell us based off his awards?
Go outside
What are they doing?
Ok I have a question for the masses. Season 6 episode 2 Fade out fade in part 2
Issues with my game and don't know what to do
College Friend In Town For The Weekend. What should we do?
Frozen pipes PSA
[CROSSPOST] Outside of the obvious external damage, would this have any effect on any other systems (such as the weather radar)?
Didn't make it home last night after lightning strike to nose of plane
Can't load into the game
DCC Ready?
Go vote!
Sexiest ship class?
I’ve finally joined
ear popping fun!
The old "go get some muffler bearings" trick...
I can't rivet, am I cooked?
Should a newbie get Kato or Bachmann N scale track?
OK, this has been fun.
A B-17 and a Lancaster together, what a sight and sound
We just got buzzed by a fighter or low-flying craft of some kind I've never heard before. Can anybody identify what it was?
Recommendations for a Headlamp
Who yields in this situation?
Books like PHM