Leaving AA after 3.5 years
Happy Monday
What was you're first ff game (mine was 6)
Starting my first game of the franchise!
Newbie here… Looking for Renfaire/cosplay/dress up opportunities near or in Hampton roads in Virginia. I’m shocked. I can’t find smaller local get-togethers.
How long until I stop waking up feeling hungover?
Went to my first SMART meeting
Day one. I am 4 hours away from 24 hours. I just decided today is the day. I lurk here quite a bit, thanks for the inspiration.
What Was Your First Dragon Quest Game?
Cigars are 100X better with alcohol.
Celebrating 500 days sober!
Still can’t believe I made it here
My Boyfriend and I Were Both Alcohol-Free. He Relapsed Last Night
500 days without getting high, Davidoff to celebrate
Just finished FFVIII and good god…
Newly sober: 2 months
Which female FF character has went through alot?
How much better is life without drink?
Kennedy Center Cancels Gay Men's Chorus Performance on May 21st
I told my husband today
1 day sober and I can’t do this
Who is your favorite "brawler"-type character?
The difference of 500 days
200kg/440lb zercher in fire kit (10kg) @ 89kg bodyweight
If you're not seeing "results" from being sober