Lifting weights releases the same hormones
Paranoia, how do you experience it?
DAE ever feel like their friends are terrible self-centered and negative people?
Everyday there's something
I thought that all this was normal
I have Quiet BPD and often wish I had the ‘classic’ symptoms
DAE get these physical symptoms?
DAE get so triggered by injustices?
Life unjustices drive me crazy
Time perception altered, dissociation?
Good mood always gets ruined
It feels like an endless cycle
feeling like you don’t have bpd
DAE download dating apps for validation seeking and from extreme boredom and emptiness?
How long is DBT?
I feel like my life is gonna end once me and my friends graduate
I'm doing better but sh thoughts got stronger?
Healthy copying is a full time job somedays
Exhausted and I probably lost another friendship
I think I am a traumatized ADHDer
What should I do with my therapist when he does this?
Being honest with irl friends about my issues is so hard
Managed to make it through today but am so drained
What are some of the lesser known/talked about symptoms of BPD that you experience?
I cutted myself while drunk