Matching Handcuffs
Platform boots on the left and sun damaged skin on the right
Engaged?! Beary exciting 🧸🐻
Mildew and Jenna being teenagers in love - from MildaBear's IG
Jenna Jameson : Greatest lies of 2024
Jennacantlose? Jenna DID lose! Jenna landed a teddy humping, boring af, controlling weirdo. Tito and Jessi both upgraded 👇🏻
Please…. I need captions.
Family Portrait 🧸😑🙄
Another Mila-gross WTF moment 😳😳😳
No fashion, no looks, no money, no home, forget the body.. Dumpster fire Jameson!! Christian is SEXY. YOU AREN’T!
Jessi Appreciation Post
I’ll just leave this here…..
Thanks for the support everyone. 🙏🏻🫶🏻
Tiny Dancer, not to be confused with baby reindeer
Live just now. Pretending she’s not in Florida and says she has a “new place”.
Let me get this straight. Jenna is picking a fight with Jessi and Christian but says the mention of Jessi’s name makes her trauma piss. Am I understanding this correctly? Scroll right.
I love this for Jessi
October 27, 2024 Jenna said a piece of her is still in love with Jessi, while her and Mils were “courting”. Lmao
Who does this ??!!
Looking rode hard and put away wet 😂
It’s just good make up
😶 Does she not know or just not care anymore? I keep staring at her arm pit and I’m wondering why she is embarrassing herself with these posts?! 😵😭🤯
Nah, somewhere between bald and homeless
Guys, no filter
Oh, is that why?