[19 F] Do I Have Any Potential?
Wanna know what my potential is if I've got any (F19)
Will rate the most outrageous thing you've heard your nparent say?
We Have to Stop—Before It’s Too Late
If he really meant "my heart goes to you" why didn't he do it like this?
Looking for an item
$10m is still rich though? 🤦♂️
what a - way to have your meal
what a nice way to have your meal
Wondering If I Should Change My Name
Thanks, I hate this
Does this count for r/Weird? Found this article on Vice.
Feds recover $280,000 in back wages for employees of Medford sushi restaurant
Thought y'all would appreciate this
It was called the Dark Age of comics for a reason
App keeps crashing
Found in an antique store :)
Chad against objectifying women
A student’s total cost for a semester of college back in 1970. Would be $250 today
Confession confession
Doing Gwyndolin dirty
I wish all my friends who are addicted to nicotine would quit without withdrawl
A cringy brony being his cringy self
I like to ____ with my children in the park.
What are you planning to do with my body, spirits?