Bottle grime help!
Can someone help explain the Adobe Photo package terms? Finding it confusing and worried about being screwed over [UK]
What's the cheapest way to get the Adobe photography package in the UK?
Pepsi Wild Cherry available now!
Stalker 2 devs promise a massive update is coming "very soon"
What do the barcodes actually tell the machine?
Caffeine Contents of Tassimo Pods.
Did that Marlon Brando DVD about acting ever come out? Apparently on how to use acting and lying in your day-to-day life.
Just tried two the new flavors
First time playing Primal and... why hasn't anyone told me this game looks absolutely fucking INSANE? These graphics for a 2016 game are kinda out of this world.
Do you have to pay taxes if you are just holding crypto
I exhale into a Smoke Trap to avoid clouds, but the filters are expensive. Anyone know how to make DIY filters?
FYI sub ohm vapers: The new Vaporesso iTank T has a MUCH smaller capacity compared to the iTank 2 (approx 40% smaller!)
Shutter Release Remote for A7 IV - newbie question
Weekly r/SonyAlpha 📸 Gear Buying 📷 Advice Thread January 13, 2025
Bosch Tassimo machine won't accept one specific pod
A decent 3D image viewer on Steam for PCVR?
Pods in the wrong way
Check out the bad faith journalism about VR games in this NY Times article
Wondering about those creamer pods for the coffee machines
Any way to combine Realism+Redux and New Dunia?
I want to buy a VR headset just to gamify my exercise routine
[England] Ex-wife looking unlikely to sign financial order, what are my options?
Whats a vr game you wish was a thing but is not