"Dr." Courtney Q&A
What phones did everyone else have?
Sorry, this is not a well woman. Without filters. Her temples are literally caving in. That's starvation (and lack of brains).
My first cat’s name is Caramel and I want this cat name to be related to it
PokèPaul era?
I have no words.
9 year difference: 2016 (left) to 2025 (right)
Stories 2/5/25 - Kill your Sin, Fetal Doppler and fetish content, Talking about her $200+ Hospital Bag, Still doesn't know the difference between Breathe and Breath, Is she going to use this bag as a Hospital bag only? Or a diaper bag as well?
Robert Kennedy Jr was a guest at their wedding!
What breed?
Can she be serious for five minutes?? 🤣
Mami's Back Pepinos
Google couldn't tell him this?!
If money was so tight the kids couldn't eat... how could they afford 4 mortgage payments & all these extra things? /clip
Biggest human poop is from a viking. Found in York, England in 1972 at 20cm long
my dad wakes me up in a dumb way
Jill and Phillip are reading a book together about brain health and the importance of supplements from a well known quack doctor who says supplements are very beneficial.
Cutting edge
Does she pick out the dress or do they just send it to her? $148
Why live this lifestyle if you aren't going to raise the kids under one family unit? I didn't make the caption /clip
Temu for the win
History of Jill fangirling over the Duggars and then turning on them!
Made a banned foods list so my roommates know what kitchen scraps are safe for the girls. Is this accurate?
Why Lie?