u/Enough-Meaning-9905 explains why replacing terrestrial FAA connectivity with StarLink would be not just dumb, but dangerous - if it's even possible.
Does formatting Compact Flash in embedded systems improve performance?
Gay Bob Doll 1978
Just came in. Of course the frame is to big.
Simple box for a mahjong set
This was being signed at the Cincinnati airport. Is it signing something that’s different than on the screen?
On holiday with my partner. But I forgot the engagement ring.
Trying to leave the South, advice on where I should go?
That one weird trick that allows you to get away with doing 122mph in a 30mph zone. The police will hate you!
What does Ivan realize at the end of A Civil Campaign?
New Captain America movie filmed at Tech
New bill could charge cars based on how far they drive
Lines that accidentally aged badly
Is this macro bad practice?
Handling hard shut downs
I think Josh was wrong about the Star Trek pin
Prune juice is a laxative. When Guinan tells Worf to "drink (his) prune juice" in 'Yesterday's Enterprise', after Worf makes excuses for not socializing, she is telling him that he is "full of shit".
Examples of wedding clothes aren't tux or dress?
Worst movie interruption you've ever experienced?
Prostate massager
What’s a game that you later realized you’ve been playing wrong the whole time?
making plugs fun?
The funniest and the most important, at least to me.
food combination you wouldnt expect to be AMAZING