USA is a horrible country but loved fy fans (of geopolitics)!!! Who is a good country but opinions are divided
It begins
40k Roadmap for 2025
The Reachman Rebellion, as a wiki article
[H] Dark Imperium Deathguard Half [W] $$$ [Loc] Athens, GA, USA
Say that again.
Gen Z LGBT population in Europe
Place your bets folks, what you think each could be?
I fell victim to the classic 6th Moebian "Plague Ogryn to Barrel to Cliff" true combo in Auric Maelstrom
Admech List Building: A Crash Course
Thoughts on the new Knights Detachment working with Ad-Mech?
In light of the recent developments
The new detachment was secretly Knights of the Cog all along.
This feels like what I wanted Space Marine 2 to feel like.
Maryn the Idol - Streamer Lancer
IPS-N engineers have finally created what we all need
I love ESA vouchers and giving rich people free stuff is always fantastic for the economy.
What are Gen Z's opinions on this pick?
Adepta SororitASS
I made a graph to show the community's opinions on Zennitsu
(Yet Another) Musing on Traveller Economics and Militaries
Just another meme
40k fans been eating good lately, which is your favourite?
What system would work the best with two PCs?
I want Your heart