Help me get shiny pokemon!
You guys think Elizabeth used deodorant or do you think that shit STANK?
Haha how funny
What canine character would you add? Most liked comment wins
So now that we've seen the end result of the first 12-team playoff and had an 8 seed win it, what teams over the previous 10 playoffs that DIDN'T make it do you feel would have had the best chance to win their respective playoffs?
アイスバレイ artwork by (Teke)
Nintendo Switch 2 Reveal Trailer Is Performing Better Than PS5
i make this new chess piece
If you could change one single play from your team’s history, what would it be?
The Overton Window is finally growing, people are talking more and more about this.
Now who is the worst Mario character? The most upvoted comment wins!
Thank god.
Bernie becomes the new Emperor of the Adrestian Empire. What does she do.
Why is Big Mo's Celesteela out speeding my Prankster Whimsicott? Shouldn't I have priority over it using Substitute regardless of speed (using Stun Spore)?
I hope he removes it when he leaves
I don't need safety gloves, because I'm Leonar... *bzzzz*
[ALL][OC] I made a Death Mountain National Park Sweatshirt
Porkchop Sandwiches!
True chad
What is the worst case of a college coach voluntarily leaving a program, and the team was worse off than when they got there?
I just stumbled across the old Blue Lions tier list I made. What do you guys think?
Opinion: the uniforms are iconic and different enough, both teams should wear their home uniforms for the championship
Rhea (OC)
Amazon appears to be cancelling OG Metroid Prime 4 pre-orders