I keep seeing posts about Taylor Swift on Threads that just refer to her as “Taylor” but I’m not much of a Swiftie and always read them as if they’re talking about Taylor Doose… 😅
I never noticed grumpy Michel in the corner at Rory’s birthday party before lol (S1E6)
5 Weeks Pregnant! Tips for using Oura ring during pregnancy
This may be a silly question but why has the Control line got lighter? Has made me a bit nervous! I’m 4w4d. Both taken with first urine of the day, a couple of days apart.
Is anyone else’s ring no longer connecting to the app?
Second-hand embarrassment is real, here. As an English viewer.
Had an episode of nearly fainting, feeling v hot and clammy, feeling sick and very dizzy and lightheaded. Oura thought I was in a deeply restored state!
Shared Ownership home not selling - help!
Ending tenancy early - should we speak with lettings agent or directly with landlord?
What would you say at their roast? Day 6: Emily Gilmore
What is something good that is happening in your life right now?
Ovulation Question
Is rlt bad for the eyes? Check out this article
You’ve arrived at a Gilmore Girls speakeasy only true Gilmore girls fans are can enter. You don’t know the password, what password is your guess.
Preppy Snark, Feb 12 - Feb 18
Decreasing HRV over 4 years. How to recover from that?
Lowest HRV score - unclear why
Opinions...Substack or Squarespace Blog
What’s the funniest one-liner in the Show?
My ranking, what do you think?
Different roles same actress?
Which shows haven’t aged like milk?
Who’s this old dude??
Which classic British TV show have you rewatched the most times?
just watched the revival and it feels... meaner?