LGS had $25 collector boosters so I bought two.
Just some photos from today’s bake!
Mox Opal 🔥
I always make mini bagels with the leftover dough, was proud of this garlic mini haha.
Today’s my 28 birthday and I am going to end it tomorrow
Just sharing some bagel pics
Any tips on these bagels
First Audi - in awe
Do you folks think I have a problem?
Xmas gift - RS6 Avant
What’s the card you love the most?
Pixel Art Tokens - Inspired by the video games of my childhood
Dragon Deck
Irresponsibility low
Car pulls paid off for once
Six most recent alters
Costco MoM Bundle Price Drop
Finally pulled these out 🐢 what's everybody rocking today?
they traded it in, I wonder what for
The last 2 Foundation CB's in the county(it seems)...should've left them on the shelf smh....
Foundations pulls
What’s the most expensive card you’ve pulled from a play booster?
Pulls from a collector pack
Just posting this as a reminder that not all packs are bangers 🙂
Hear me out tho..