Preacher video: Sean (But Not Forgotten)
Mini-Giveaway Test: Calyrex
Suns out... (3 dots)
PF #214 @ROCKSTARGAMES | The Last Fish Supper
Preacher Post: @RockstarGames (6 dots in reply from SBB)
New Preacher video: An Obstructed View
Preacher reply: Hey kipper boy ah still see that there's no much going on under the .... (4 dots)
Preacher Post: Local coffee shop puts a cup of Joe up to £4.35. Robbed blind mainly to forgetting the Gregorys. It'll be a fiver before the game's out.
Preacher Post: How do you know he's Jason?
Preacher reply: Plus now we've apparently got some local competition & all
SmokedBoabieBob: The post that got him banned on r/GamingleaksAndRumours
You know the cancel culture is alive & well on us when we're even barred from r/Gaming Leaks And Rumours🤔
Preacher Post: To See the Future...
Preacher Post: Had to shut down some Kenny G wannabe tooting his pish outside my window. Sadly there's no hiding from gentrification in the hood anymore (GTA 4 Photo)
Preacher Post: 3PM (Daylight Savings?)
Preacher Post: It is a principle innate and co-natural to every man to have an insatiable inclination to the Truth, and to seek for it as for hid (hidden) treasure (TURTLES)
PF #205 Miami 1927 Photo Album (GTA VI riddle?)
Preacher Post: Burns supper
Nintendo Switch 2's Codename is Muji
Pokémon Legends Z-A confirms Furfrou and the trims in the game! The first on the Nintendo Switch! However, will they retain their forms in HOME?
One Million Subscribers!
The big question to ask is whether you keep him at the door or do you keep him from it? Asking for a pal...
FACT...... (6 dots) (Strauss RDR2 Character) (Strauss Zelnick)