Hate me all you want ,but I think this is just paid pr
2 times board exam from 2026 W or L?
Ashish Arora Sir finally shares his views on Reddit
I feel like dying
Alecc daddy moans live 💀
How can we Forget this 🩸
Classmate Pulse is the notebook in India(without any doubt)
Guys height kaise badhau
My father will agree for my marriage proposal with a Chinese gf whom I met on Instagram,if I crack jee this year.
is any important events or thing coming on this sub? like novatra website or anyacad helping things? bcs i am fed up of this brainrot things?please reply
What the caul?
Paper fuck/fod krke ana hai!!
Hello jee 25 aspirants, jee26 aspirant here,will start 12th with chapter revised and some pyq,what are the mistakes I should avoid in 12th?Like social lif3
Ayo!Harsh sir yapping abroad?
Irony is that BB had to delete this video after getting threats from Shivsena.
Irony is that BB had to delete this video after getting threats from Shivsena
Letsss goooo
Make this comment section cringy comments by 27,yards 28 tards
26 jee aspirant here,query about ews certificate
4th sem @IIITH. AMA
Tips and tricks lelo guyz
2nd attempt me phodenge,abhi aaaram kr leta hu
Reality of Bajrang Dal
Backup Exams !!!!!!!
LET HIM COOK [New-e-lafda coming] or Pakda gya
Lmaoo ig I found JEE1's account through which they lurk in this sub
Rajwant sir and Amit mahajan sir is probably confirmed for Laakshay jee 2026 but are there any chances that we can get Tarun sir there?