65QM6K arrived damaged
Songs You Enjoy But You Have No Idea What They're Saying
First Cabinet Meeting of POTUS47
Indian Recruiters are legit, or best to go with domestic recruiter for same role?
I kind've gave up finding good BBQ, but I figured it's been a few years so maybe some new spots have opened or got better. Anyone know of some good BBQ places mainly texas style BBQ?
Cruise Control issue
That's it, that's the meme
Who death impacted you the most?
Who is one player from a rival school that you remember terrorizing your team so bad that you grew to respect them?
Any love for Robert Sledge?
OC potentials?
Fuck OU. Someone said if the rest of us hated our rivals enough, maybe this sub wouldn't be all OSU Michigan. So fuck you OU eat shit.
Anyone going to the USMNT game tonight?
what artist has you like this when they come on
BlazerEV RS VS Model Y Long Range AWD
Based off my current roster of favorite rock bands, who should I check out next?
Please Recommend: Songs about having a crush on someone who doesn't even know you exist.
TIL eating Taco Bell is healthier than using steroids.
Worst Songs to Have Sex to. Day 13
Which Box Office BOMB did you actually enjoy watching?
Any 40~60 year olds wanting to share your stories about how you and your peers listened to music when you were in your teens~early adult?
You can’t enter Canada if you have a DUI
What are the greatest songs that don’t use standard EADG tuning?