Weapons and Prisoners after a Convoy Ambush by Natogyi PDF [January 30]
Various Grenades, Mortars, and other Explosives used by the Myanmar Junta Army with Buddhist inscriptions in Pali
Exposed: the Singapore company supplying oil to the Myanmar military’s war machine [Investigative Report by Finance Uncovered and Justice for Myanmar]
Compilation of Drone, Rocket, and Combat Actions done by Myanmar anti-junta forces in Magway [including the USBA] (5/30/24-1/29/25; music from sources)
State of the art weapons captured from Myanmar Army.
Presenting: A Low-Effort Post Involving the Google Translation and Adaptation of the Home Defense/Defence Musket Copypasta to Hakha Chin
The Bamar Army and PDF rebel allies clashing with Myanmar Junta Army in Salin Township [1/28]. A junta soldier and a student were killed; a Pyusawhti leader injured.
The Bamar Army clashed with the Burmese Army on January 28. One junta soldier was killed and many injured. Sadly, a local student was killed due to the usage of heavy weapons. One of the injured was the leader of the Pyusawhti of Salin Township. PDF and LPDFs were also involved in the battle.
A People's Defense Force fighter taking aim with a Type 81 Automatic Rifle. [2016x1512]
Video recorded by Members of the PLA shows the dead bodies of KNA-B and Pdfs killed in a recent battle at Minthar Sagaing.
Two Duraka Column Members Riding a Motorcycle for a Night Operation(?) [FB title only said "3 Minutes," and was posted 10 hours ago]
Compilation of Anti-Military Junta Rebels in Myanmar/Burma from Bago and Tanintharyi to Magway and Mandalay [January 19-29] (Music/Effects from Sources)
Rest in Peace to the Irrawaddy Dolphin that passed a week ago
Daung Sit Aung, No 5. Battalion Minbu, and other LPDFs attack Junta forces near Salin [January 28-29]
The Arakan Army has begun enforcing traffic regulations and establishing female Military Police units in several cities across Rakhine State as of January 2025.
Two Karenni Guerrillas Fighting the SPDC military regime in Myanmar/Burma (taken by Dean Chapman between 1990-1998) [1200x882]
SSRY with 4 conscripts who defected from the Junta 422nd Infantry Regiment in Pekon Township. The military sent them under fire without weapons [January 25-29]
Burma Revolution Rangers [Anyar LPDF] launching mortars, attacking the junta, and testing IEDs in Myaing and Pakokku Townships (June 19, 2023-January 29, 2025)
Another Pic Compilation from a recent Karenni anti-junta group graduation in Myanmar/Burma [KNDF]. This time AK-ish platforms dominate (7.62 and 5.56)
Tat soldier in Northern Shan talks about the situation currently. 26/1/24
KNDF B08 Batch 1 Graduation- Video by Louis Bred Son
Duraka Column, Yephyu PDF, DNLA, and FPF attack a Junta checkpoint in Dawei Town. 7 Soldiers Neutralized [January 27]
Myanmar Junta to Evacuate Elite Military Academies to Naypyitaw
Myanmar/Burmese PDF Rebels attack Junta troops and convoys on the Monywa-Ayadaw Road [January 5-19] (Music from Source)
PDF attack Junta troops on the Monywa-Ayadaw Road [January 5-19]
Rifles Carried by Mobye PDF [People's Defense Force anti-military junta Rebels] in Myanmar (Burma) during a recent basic training graduation