Next season leaks?
Feeder city suggestions
Wish they would do service buildings that blended better with older architecture
City of Art design? Nah, think I'm gonna do my own thing.
War chest reward has been changed?
SCBI Design Challenge Biased?
Lights Flashing Glitch
Cash app dude is back from vacation
Questions about feeder city...
updated vu pass scores list
Echelle du capitole d’Hawai ne le trouvez vous pas trop grand par rapport aux autres bâtiments Du jeu ?
What is this?
Best attacks
premium vu pass changes here. continuing the analysis about vu pass premium and free to play nerfs
Observation about bot traders
Level 4 Vu Pass
DC: Not enough entries
PSA: If you want 2 Parkside Stations, make sure you buy one before you claim your free one from the rail event.
Tell me that a bug
rate my city please
This can’t be the max.. 120 per slot?
Space Epics x3
Server Issue?
Anyone know how big iolani palace is?
Game out of sync