My happy little UI
Button shortcuts
Is there any way to find challenging content while leveling (so before lvl 80)?
Tuga condenado a 3 anos efetivos por um tweet ?!
Herança em risco por causa de pai desequilibrado
Godspawn Story Discussion
Why did George Lucas appoint Kathleen Kennedy to head up Lucasfilm?
Falhei na vida
aio for telling my mum im moving out over this
Am I overreacting to my bf going to twin peaks multiple times despite me saying it makes me uncomfortable?
Influência dos imigrantes nas próximas eleições
What about being a good father?
Why do people, even in developed countries, have children even though it's one of the most uncomfortable avoidable things in life?
Trump Won With Misinformed, Naive, Low-Info Voters
Brasileira presa na Bélgica 🇧🇪 culpa a lei Portuguesa
Every time I come back I lose direction and leave again, why?
O Zelador da Internet
I can't be the only one right ?
Um desabafo de um gajo de esquerda
A Europa vai cair, Portugal vai cair, preparem-se para uns anos difíceis.
Ofc a home schooler doesn't understand taxes
Minha namorada brasileira não me permite falar assim
Richest man on earth by the way.
Looking for feedback [uI]