No diamonds for me I guess
Guess i need to buy a new pair of gloves now
Why I shouldn't buy Himalayan 450 ?
Took me 6 hours to make my first machine, is normal? This is my first time with greg
Supersymmetry 0.1.14 is now available
There is any modpack with almost all the elements in the periodic table? I've found Monifactory but some popular elements are missing. Cosmic frontiers has it all but there is a lot of magic.
And he has the nerve to say im trash🤦🏾♂️
Why is there only 4k people max on the game now?
Playing on steam deck how do I get this prompt to go away and fix it so I have the controller layout?
Is this a new strat? buying a Potato PC and playing in Slow Mo?(BTW, i won)
PLEASE..if we can't have Giant Bergamo then can we lower his DP by 1?
Anyone else wish we had a classic version of City Ruins in addition to the DBS one?
ho fatto delle prove con tamponi salivari con cut off 3,5ng/ml
People using all their brain to ruin the fun of other player. Everyday i discover a new type of cheese
I can smell this post
full sparking! zero december patch notes, it’s a big one
Do you know about this skill? You need to press Guard+Perception at the right time
Oh man this guys stinks!
E voi che auto avevate a scuola guida ?
First Predict, 39 cycle day. Did a test 1 week ago and i was completely negative, i was 3 days late. now i'm 10 days and this line appeared
Should i be worried? looks like condensation but i'm not sure, is a Himalayan 450
One of the problem that mostly vegans forget or don't know. Animals are used to make proteins or other drugs
My partner saw the poor condition of my F-91W so she decided to buy me a brand new GST-B400 for our anniversary
Milano, gli rubano la bici con cui sta girando il mondo: «Erano in cinque, calci e pugni per prendermi il cellulare. Ma non mi fermo»