Do you think that the Seven are an accurate depiction of how superheroes would be irl?
Did she have a baby just to produce milk…
What are yalls unpopular opinions about any of the supermassive games?
Is this what the kids call rizz?
Something cool ♥️
Cap’s transformation reminds me of Darrow’s Carving
What powerhouse do you guys think Doom may defeat in Doomsday?
Arrows Radius was Reduced
Well, I’m cooked. Accidentally promoted a new member to leader.
Contrary to popular belief, the HMS Endeavor could not fire all 100 guns at both the pearl and dutchman at the end of AWE. Each gun requires 6-12 men, and it only had a crew of ~800
In Idle Hands (1999), Jessica Alba’s clothes getting ripped off wasn’t in the script, this was a request from test audiences… yes really.
Statistics of mine and 2 others after a year of starting with ARRAY every time
Who do you blame the most for what happened?
FUNNY GAMES (2007) : Is it Deep or Dumb? Let's settle it.
When you first saw this scene, who were you rooting for? And why?
The most wasted casting in comic book movie history:
What was the best depiction of cowardice in your opinion. For me it has to be Interstellar (2014).
Chaos at the gym on the treadmills.
People always say my hair is awful. Any ideas? Need something to cover my awful hair line.
How do i stop my ends curling up?
What do you guys think about canons?
Database of all possible solutions
F21 Be honest, I just got betrayed for the second time this year
Coaxed into violent thoughts
Madelyn Cline To Co-Star Opposite Johnny Depp In Lionsgate’s ‘Day Drinker’