Which of these Mathmos lamps looks the best?
First lava lamp
Mark Farrelly - "Dromore Lough" Calm Meditative Ambient Music with Arturia Pigments, Peak Synth, Field Recording
Mark Farrelly - Space Ambient Live Recording with Arturia Pigments, Bioscape, Novation Peak, Alchemy, Logic Pro
Mark Farrelly - Matrix - Experimental improvised ambient soundscape exploration using DIY noiseboxes, a cooling fan, cassette tape delay loops, the Novation Peak synth, Bioscape (bansuri flute).
FALSE FATE - Cinematic ambient drone with SOMA Lyra 8
Mark Farrelly - Hyperborean
Mark Farrelly - Sanctum
Mark Farrelly -Transient Messages - Live Ambient with Field Recordings, DIY Noiseboxes, Bioscape, Analog Radios, Novation Peak Synth, Albion Neo
Mark Farrelly - Information
Mark Farrelly - Empathic Traces
Mark Farrelly - A new Beginning
Ephemeral - Matter Observing Emptiness
What VST's do you use?
psybos - genh
Mark Farrelly - Cyclical Souls
Mark Farrelly - To Calmer Waters
ivoryHAUS - Counting Stars
Mark Farrelly - Weaving Visions of the Azure Beyond
Mark Farrelly - Hermetic Wishes
Mark Farrelly - Letting Go
Morning Haze - Sanctuary
Henkeni - Apocalyptic sky
FALSE FATE - Haunting drone with SOMA Lyra 8, Hologram Microcosm and Strymon Nightsky
Mark Farrelly - Trinity