I made a flowchart that shows how the Netflix MCU links into rest of the MCU (There is probably spoilers in here)
rate this one /10
Rate this one. it feels chaotic and nostalgic for some reason, could see it as a trap album cover but idk (OC)
does some gintama names have meanings in your language? just sharing, cos in our language's case, some are hilarious
"Yor high diffs Sukuna ong!"
Anyone got some Sangria tips?
Where there any moments where you thought the anime looked better than the manga or the other way around? If so why?
Best ship
Why are femcels 10x funnier than incel’s???
Im pretty but still lonely what the hell where is my boyfriend
First skin is gonna take another 10 months and be in a filler skin line lets be honest
all moids should be forced to take estrogen and be pets
Got a femcel gf and I need help
Im so lonely, someone should tell me a joke
Ain’t these kids??
Suspicion about FNAF Movie
Why are there men on this subreddit when it's literally intended for girls and femcels
Helloooo 18M with some questions for y'all
Different spellings in movie ending for FNAF
i genuinely physically don’t believe that men can feel love.
First time doing clown makeup!
i rlly enjoy being a clown
Was rereading Chapter 136 and noticed there’s a modern computer and laptop in Denji’s school despite the series taking place in 1998-1999…
18M Teacher looking for company [chat]