The day wowo got her therapy dog certification and became a doctor dog
Dog trained us to let him out at 2am every night
Cooking one-liners that you still recite in your head til this day..
What do you consider your outside hobby and what is the associated “third place” in Austin?
When you ask to speak to the manager, but get the owner instead
People here will know exactly what this is
Help me name my new little void! (F) Witchy names preferred
What’s an item you just had to have and then regretted? I will go first…
Run in for chips or beer, never come out...alive.
What would you name this mare?
Thought this was funny
Okay I’ll bite.. WTF does this stand for?
Patricia the Lady of the House
Being Ugly And Having A Crush Is The Worst
Bronwyn said the thing everyone in the world needs to hear
Austin to add public parking, expand trail at Loop 360 overlook
'I need to know why' | Kyle family continues searching for answers after their dog was shot to death
Name a place to eat at thats nasty af but people hype tf out of it
I made this :)
Body worlds
Is this the ugliest dress ever or….?
Lemon Law Attorney's?
Is it legal to post flyers with someone’s face and name on public bulletins w/o consent (for safety, not commercial purposes)?
Actual malinois nightmare. Was attacked in the kennels at 3am and this guy did amazing.
maybe maybe maybe
If SC was made into a movie