Many tried but didn't succeed
When I’m the fourth to join a mission in progress
“The Super Destroyer is the only reason helldivers stand any chance”
Average teammate
Why is shanks so heavy
“Service Maintenance Required” reset with push-start CHR.
What opinion do you have on One piece and the community that would have you like this?
What do you name this monstrosity?
My sadness was not having seen this guy in life.
If you were a random citizen of Super Earth, which faction would you fear the most?
Waiting on my man's to pounce. Meow
Why is your kids name lost in the echo
Why is your kids name The Way I Am
Alpha male explains how real men should SIT 🤡
What is your "I did not care for the godfather" opinion in the show?
What is a quote from the show that lives rent-free in your head?
Calling random people on the street "9 to 5", "cockroaches", and "peasants" for going viral is just trashy.
That's now it works... That's not how any of it works
How many took this out of context
Titanic II is sinking and you’re conductor of the orchestra. What song are you playing?
Which one should I get first? pistol or crossbow
Steve Carell & Ed Helms, The two best actors on the show in my opinion. Whaddya guys think?
What is your favorite primary weapon.
If you can make an Onepiece game, what kind of game will it be?
Should I sue great clips...