Let's go gambling!
I play this game like it's World War 1. What should I change though? Don't exactly have a strategy besides baiting tricks and protecting the meme cards.
6 cost Gargs Feast (2 spacetime + treasure + gargologist)
Rate my deck
What card needs a Nerf,buff or rework
Plant Environment Idea (Two Versions) (also forgot to make a description)
Easiest daily ever
What if: Escape Root was in PvZ Heroes?
What’s THE most hated card?
Plant Cards buff ideas: Nut edition
Guess what turn it is
Which Electric Blueberry rework is better?
Hot Potato
Middle class ppl who paid full price for Ivy+, was it worth it?
Best buried treasures of all time?
I do not understand how people defend others using Quarterly
Rollercoaster of Emotions. Plus, I hate Quarterly Bonus users.
Second card I made
Extreme overkill QB Conjure
Showcasing (one of) my card ideas (Excuse the awful quality, I'm still trying to learn to edit images properly)
a nerf that’s actually a buff lol
Any switches i could make to this budget deck
Guys design my deck
Help choosing between Apes or Ap Art history
I like events and the “random battle” feature because they let me experience what it’s like to actually have a good deck. …Seriously I’m tired of getting destroyed at this game.