10 by 10 Free 7* Champions
The Champion’s Game
Who are your favorite* champions to use right now?
Seriously guys it’s only been a couple months
What half the community does before going to be knowing he might actually get buffed
The go to champ you use for every quest:
Who’s your go to cosmic champ?
Yeah nothing weird going on
Ask me anything about the world’s lore !
Happens sometimes
Yo is there castles yet? And is there any like big updated coming up? Or nah
Different types of governance mod
Weekly Questions Megathread
It can be rough
Sad truth
Summoner's choice underdog vote solved (Armor, Blue Marvel, Bullseye, Kushala, Morgan le Fay, Okoye, Prowler, Spider-Woman. Who ever wins this vote will be put in the next Summoner's Choice!
Sad reality
What on earth,getting to silver 2 wasn’t that hard and Now I’m being matched with a paragon player 😂😂😂😂joke of a game mode legit had no chance
A Hulk tierlist
Thrown in Kabam jail for Quicksilver refund
Is this game pay to win?
Rank Up/Team Building/Awakening Sticky Thread - Jul 31, 2022 (updated weekly)
I was told inverted controls have no effect on magneto
Rank Up/Team Building/Awakening Sticky Thread - Jul 17, 2022 (updated weekly)