Anime Suggestions In Dubbed
Anime Recommendations Only Dubbed
Anime Recommendations
Favourite character?
Need some anime recommendations
How to switch from left shoulder to right shoulder aiming in Fortnite?
Recommend me some hidden gem anime’s please!
which hokage has the best outfit?I think Minato
Do it
Who’s your favorite white haired character in anime?
Because I was bored I had my sister chose what anime I should watch what do you think?
Let the truth be told😂
Name 3 things you like and 3 things you dislike about The Outlast Trials
Sad reality
What anime is this for you?!?
Anime Based On Pastries/Cafe
What anime should I watch based off of my favorites?!
The first two Ghost albums are metal (Enough said)
I need help with some manga pick ups
The English Dub of 'Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian' Premieres Tomorrow on Crunchyroll!
Looking for anime to watch (no ecchi), would prefer TV-14 or TV-PG)
In your opinion, which cooking anime is better? Delicious in Dungeon or Food Wars?