how r my leg genetics? been training them for a month
Any recomended chest press and chest fly machines for around $200-300?
What do i need for deep space?
anyway to edit this to see hothead and flame nebula any better?
What’s a good target?
Shot of orion. Using mom’s camera at 15.
M42 - The Orion Nebula
Rosette nebula
First shot of Orion Nebula, at 15 using moms camera
Help with deepskystacker.
about to do my first shoot, do i need dark frames?
Need help, trying to do my first real shoot tonight.
Please do this with ur favourite artist
looking to buy a tracker, what else do i need?
best tracker for $500?
Looking for a tracker on a budget.
What Mac song sounds just like summer to you?
What should i get besides a camera?
Nothing special, single shot with dslr
Games downloading incredibly slow.
There are just so many…
Sister lets her alarm go off for an hour and refuses to turn it off
Any other guys that are bipolar?
What were the best years of your life and why?