What shoe is this?
Having a comp in a few hours. Im nervous af. What helps you to calm down?
CnD ranked clutch I’m proud of
Johnny descend key bind
Help with Seliana/Astera?
V day plans?
"The days you feel the laziest are the days that count the most
Super clutch ranked finish
Can someone put Lies of P in Elden Ring terms?
What is the most satisfying sound in the world?
When should I start my NG/DLC playthrough?
Shin muscle fatigue from guard
When Brazilians say “repose the guard”
Help with a username
I’m worried about the connotation of this tattoo, tell me how it is at first glance?
how is the game?
What ONE bit of advice to you find you most regularly give to people in class?
What is everyone picking up in the summer sale?
I don’t like Bloodborne. What am I missing?
Brutal Rugby League knockout
Some good news from Tony
Swap grounded side and neutral attack workaround?
General Feedback - May 29th 2024
Swap neutral and side attack
Don’t fight a dude with a mullet