Is this a fake tow away sign?
14 month old has a painful bump in his nose
A massive tadpole was discovered, with a hormonal imbalance that prevented it from developing into a frog
Anti skinny ads for women in the 1930s and 50s.
salafi brainrot 😂
I feel guilty I beat the shit out of my mom. How do I not go to hell
My unborn child died.
Second biggest religion in european countries
Has anyone else been laid low by this flu / cough going around?
A mod from the /Islam sub told me that shia opinions are “as meaningful as a used soda cup lid.” Mods, where does this sub stands on open dialogue?
Any book recs for a newbie?
My housemate is very frustrating
Officially Joined the Dad Club
A mod from the Islam sub told me that shia opinions are “as meaningful as a used soda cup lid.” Mods, where does this sub stands on open dialogue?
How many people here were banned or censored in /Islam?
Being a dad is hard, but man is it worth it.
1 yr with minor cut on knuckles… doctor asking why we didn’t go to ER
Can prophet Mohammed prohibit doing something?
I love Congestion Pricing
[OC] "Guys where do you pee?" Reddit comments visualised
Son has started humping things…
My wife wants kids asap
Farting and Khutbah
flat earth in islam the other side of history (continue in the comment)