Obrenovacka kajgana jutros sveze spremljena
Patrijarh Porfirije pozvao decu i studente da se vrate u škole
Studenti su sprecili tesko krvoprolice sinoc... vlast se spremala da prolije tesku krv i zastrasi ljude od ponovnog skupljanja. Bravo studenti!
Support from abroad
Roach King preneo. Volite ga ili mrzite dobro je preneo i sada još više ljudi je svesno šta se dešava, što LRADovcima svakako ne odgovara
Malmö, Švedska danas - navijamo za vas! Pumpaj!!!
Svedski radio i TV danas pricali o studentskim protestima
"Why does every tank play Zarya?"
Official Mercy and D.Va LE SSERAFIM concept arts
Groggy is a must pick if playing Ana into Ball
Not sure if management is for me
How to decline a request for a recommendation letter for a position that I don't think they will get
UX adjacent jobs (thinking of pivoting out of this field)?
When the ban system launches, who are you banning?
ball has far too much health
Do you wish more Mercy creators spoke or do you prefer no commentary gameplay?
Ana is in every single game and it’s getting unbearable
Everyone from outside see only positives but what are the problems inside?
Serbian Psycho - Aleksandar Vučić
Kiriko doesn’t age theory.
Kinda disappointed with mercy perks
The perk system seems “anti competitive” at its core
Clarifying rumors around Lootboxes from Aaron Interview with Emongg
Overwatch 2 is bringing loot boxes back from the dead
The Last of the Mohicans (2004–2007)