Respect Ashtaroth (Nemesis Saga book 5: Project Legion)
Respect the Apocalypse Machine (Apocalypse Machine)
My top 5 favourite songs by Hanser (Bronya's VA)
Trump to Begin Large-Scale Deportations Tuesday
Captain and his 2 wives
I’m dependent on the government so I voted for the guy who wants to cut all “entitlements” so his billionaire friends can become trillionaires.
The future of house Bellona
[Spoilers Extended] What if Barristan had gone to Essos sooner and met Viserys?
A note on Lune’s Training
The new voice in Dark Age
New Updated Community-led Membership Agreement
Trump-voting farmer warns crops will 'rot' if his workers get deported
Vita and her motivations
Oh really 😂
Well now they just want to kill immigrants
Everything you said is incorrect
CN Chapter 5 Main Story CG
POV: You, the captain see Kiana staring at you lovingly
Never seen a character lose their fans so quickly. He truly lost the mannis status.
How come Roose Bolton is never seen wearing his pink cloak in the show?
What book is Charlotte named after?
Now Introducing the New Weekly Challenges Beta! You can help us test these weekly challenges and make your way up a brand new leaderboard!
Here's what the full survey that went out today looks like
If they want to charge more I can choose to not pay anymore
Everyone should see this for themselves: price options Jagex wants you to consider