no game? no life!
Strinova Weapon Damage List (30m)
7 buffs ☠️
Help - how to play only in the chosen server?
Strinova is the hardest game I've ever played to rise in the ranks of ranked. It is brutal on bad/average/even above average people. I don't think the game is hard - the scoring system is very penalizing.
is Flavia too ridiculously strong?
satisfying kanami 3k i hit on kalabiqiu
Why does this keep happening?
Problems with Strinova Content being reached out
FINALLY HIT ELECTRON !!! ask me anything~!
Why You Are Hardstuck in Low Elo
Guy promoting Strinova Cheats, please report this to the Strinova Staff Immediately
Cringe match making
visual representation of pain and agony , and how team dependent this game is and still ppl who dont know anything, ruin the experience of others
Just wandering
SilliestOfCats Banned
Why it's so hard to climb ranks from Bronze
adventures in the electron rank
how do i fix this? it keeps telling me this even tho i have 30GB free? (after an update)
Mutual consent
Valorant tracker is annoying
Strinova may intentionally restart your computer
Big nerf from experience, had to actually perform or suffer