Anger at Elon Musk turns violent with Molotov cocktails thrown at Tesla dealership
Roast's back on the Menu --- Chippie, another Labourite that has never had a real job
Pics of todays cow massacre - ‘Where does my food come from mummy?’
Anyone know what causes this? Unravelling chrome shower hose
Let them eat Marmite sandwiches
'Booger boy' is the name the left are giving Elon's 5yo child online. Why do the left always attack the kids?
Time for some Roasting. I have a heap of these, so will post one per day for a while. Let's start with Roasting Prime Minister Chris Luxon
‘Needs a shake up’: Labour struggles to find candidate to take on Tory Whanau
Bloke’s ‘Quick Chat’ With The Neighbour Passes The 45 Minute Mark
It’s Monday Meme and Funnies time
New: "She Came From Tony Blair To Destroy New Zealand - Jacinda Ardern: The Woke Princess"
Sunday Read - The Stealth Campaign to Eradicate the Anglo-Saxon
Bye bye Scotch Fillet off to the butcher’s tomorrow
Luxon says we are all to blame for the actions of a deranged Australian
Daily Rants and Bantz Unfiltered
Aucklander Who Moved to Tauranga for ‘Laid-Back Lifestyle’ Now Complaining There’s Nothing to Do
Adrian Orr finally did something I can get behind. He resigned, writes Damien Grant.
Flashback to a more extremist time
Professor Ananish Chaudhuri: Inability to understand te reo Māori does not prevent people from asking questions about race relations in New Zealand
UN judge claims immunity after being arrested for having a slave in England
Bowel cancer screening should be based on clinical need, not ancestry this New Zealander actually bathing in a public pool?
Labour’s lead grows over National in latest political poll
UN Judge, Onetime Columbia University Human Rights Fellow, Found Guilty of Slavery
'No prior notice': School tuckshops close across NZ amid lunch provider's liquidation.