Should I not major in aerospace?
I’m terrified to be an engineering student
Hot Take: IRON MAN 2 Better than IRON MAN 3
Why are you on reddit on Christmas day?
am i ugly
I’m so lonely :(
[22] curious (n bored)
I feel like a no lifer
Tell me these 3 wouldn’t have been an awesome trio…
Can boys be pretty?
Can someone give me an overview of western Michigan university’s aerospace engineering program?
Alternatives to hair gel
Does episode 1 take place right after Jim quit?
what can i do now?
Am I missing out on a lot?
What are your most controversial pokemon opinions?
Will I be a no lifer if I choose an aerospace engineering major
What is something you liked and disliked about black & white
What do these six characters have in common?
I honestly kinda miss the old format of Pokémon sometimes
Name and Shame! Which Pokémon underperformed in your playthrough?
which fight do you prefer and why
What would your Pokemon spinoff game be about?
Is Darwinism active in modern humans today?
What are your favorite unpopular (or "weak") pokemon?