My kit decent for starts?
little collection
This weeks mission: aquire a picture of an animal that doesn't belong to you.
Thoughts on red and/or blue parts?
This is my kit so far, shoulder pads and holster are on the way.
Since guys around here seem to dig the TAPS
Split Front Chest Rig Update
Alice is a great gal for Central American “vacations”
Current Setup
I know not cool at all but I wear M81 with this (surplus)
When you ask your junior Marines why they couldn't see the red flags in their partner, just remember the biggest red flag we all missed
Weekday range trips 🙌🏻
I fucked up
Long time caller, first time listener
Please advise when back in service.
My LV-119 setup
Couple of GWOT Chest rigs
Urge to return to mountains intensifies.
Can't decide between Coyote Brown and Ranger Green? Why not both?
Do DV plates mean diminished velocity?
I am once again asking for feedback. Ignore the mess, I’m organizing gear for a new ruck I ordered. (Full thoughts in body text)
Slickster setup
My First ARs
Left handed two stamp Tuesday
My new Chest Rig and Belt