Left or right shoe first?
What’s the one food that makes getting out of bed totally worth it?
what do these signals mean?
Recommendations for a short (5-6 hours) standalone book to fill in time while waiting on a pre-order.
I wish there were more membership options!
What's a profession that you would be most surprised to find out smoked cannabis?
Mother starting Chemo, advice/tips needed
What should I say when people ask what I do for a living?
What do I say when people ask what I do for a living?
What’s a quote from a book that stayed with you?
You're forced to play 1 round of roulette and given 38x $100,000 chips. Your only allowed to bet on numbers straight up. If you lose, you're dead but if you win, you take any chips that you didn't use. How many chips are you keeping?
What are you listening to right now?
What would you do if your husband had sex tourism on his bucket list?
What is easier said than done?
If you had the choice to see how long you had left to live, and you couldn’t change the number, would you choose to see and why?
What are fun words that aren't used enough nowadays?
What's an inside joke that you hope a friend sneaks into your eulogy?
Which women's sports do you think you could compete in at a professional level when you were in your prime?
You have 1 hour to prepare. What is the subject of your Ted Talk?
What is a legendary Reddit post or comment that still sticks with you?
I would be an incredible synchronised swimmer if I could find 7 other swimmers that could match me exactly.
Which one of your skills would put you closest to the best in the world at that particular thing?
What's something you think you're in the top 10% in the world at?
I would be an incredible synchronised swimmer if I could find 7 other swimmers that were talented enough they could match me exactly.