Struggling with PCS? Start Small!
What’s been the most surprising or frustrating change in your life since experiencing a concussion?
Anyone else try creatine?
Concussion-like symptoms 2 years later
For anyone with PCS (post-concussion syndrome), what’s the one piece of advice you’d give to someone newly struggling with it?
3rd concussion in 8 months when will my post concussion syndrome end? HELP
If you're still dealing with ongoing symptoms from a concussion, what's been the most challenging part of living with it day to day?
I’ve been concussed for 10 weeks. Help!
Did your head pressure ever fade away?
Normal PostConcussion Symptom? Thoughts going crazy.
7 months in. My story. Thanks for reading.
Tips for PCS tension headaches?
Mood changes post-concussion
Spiralling into depression/ suicidal thoughts after concussion
Has anyone else had their concussion caused by something not sport related or even car accident related?
My Story
Overly Emotional After Concussion?
Tell me I’m wrong: Post-concussion rehabilitation therapies are useless until foundational lifestyle changes are made.
What are we going to deal with in the Future?
Surge in symptoms a few months in?
Can head impulse test / head thrust test cause concussion or neck injury?
Post concussion symptomes
Been told I have convergence insufficiency. Anyone else been diagnosed with this post concussion?
Concussion syndrome
New symptom out of the blue 4 weeks out?