How do you deal with having a sick toddler and a baby you don’t want to get sick?
Do any of us actually enjoy having kids
Pregnancy and the caffeine struggle
What’s your weird/random baby tip?
Separation Anxiety
What’s your toy setup?
Blues after child hospitalization?
Wood trim & floors
Nerve Sheath Tumor
Pink mucus and cramping
Painful constant cramping
Pitocin induction without effacement?
Shit people say to pregnant people
Is a man in his boxers inappropriate at an in home daycare?
Painful constant cramping 37w
What are some restaurants, bars, or local stores *worth supporting* due to the owners or staff?
36 weeks
Dog’s nose cracking
BH and cramping every night
I don't like my therapists dog
Contractions at 30 weeks
How many epidurals did NOT work for you?
Therapist said my thoughts are lies
What was your absolute first sign of pregnancy?