The dress my mom is planning to wear to my wedding. She sent this to me yesterday and I still haven’t replied
my 8 week won’t sleep by herself
Angie Miranda becomes the first ever Fit Model IFBB Pro
Not leaning out - help!
I've been HUMBLED - everyone has the Flu
Have you ever felt like fitness was taking up too much of your life?
Just listed my lake house in Minnesota 15 days ago. No bookings yet.
Competing with genetic cellulite?
18 weeks out
Curbing Cravings
Is it culturally normal to be a SAHM where you are?
Workout programming
moms over 40 who are stay at home moms, what your advice to people who claim that being a stay at home mom is generally an easy and stress free life?
It's time to make America healthy again
How not to die and eggs
What’s a stock you’re watching but haven’t pulled the trigger on yet?
Obviously, there’s no one correct answer, but what’s everyone’s ideal diet for growing children?
Just an interesting thread
Motion molds
Nepal Bans Solo Expeditions on Everest and other 8000ers
Dairy: In or Out?
Daycare didn’t feed my 6mo old for over 5 hours
Has anyone else lost friends over competing?
Days off split