What's a job you wouldnt take even if it paid 500k a year?
If you won the lottery what would be signs of you being rich?
When you want to escape from everyone, where do you go?
What is the most embarrassing thing you’ve done while horny that no one else knows about?
39 M - Seattle, single with no kids in my downtown loft
I've done that one once 😂
A transcendent guitar solo played for just a few people at a quiet bar.
Little kid drives buggy on two wheels, beating pro racers 🤯
Green bubble hate is real
maybe maybe maybe
What's something you can't believe people still do in 2025?
My cat after a long day of judging me
When did you come to conclusions, that your manager was not capable for his position?
I literally don’t know this person we chatted a few times very basic stuff and then she sends me a paragraph asking me for money and i just didn’t reply well she deletes the paragraph and sends this
What's the best brand to buy coffee?
What are you starting to dislike more and more the older you get?
What hobby or interest is full of assholes?
How many cups of coffee do you drink a day?
What is the best feeling you can experience besides orgasm?
What's a trend from the 2000s that you wish would come back?
What's a song lyric that hits way harder than it should?
What’s a sound that instantly triggers nostalgia for you?
What do you do when you feel restless?
11 - 13 - 14- 15- 21-23-24
What's a movie that blew your mind when you first watched it?