how much longer do these girls have?
First grow. Normal?
Looks like paradise.
Rolling big tonight how messed up is this going to get me?
Yeah I know it’s a man so what?
good Morning grind :)
How much could this yield?
My heart is in pain
Coming down from a 3.5g trip
Mac and Za finna go crazy
Anyone else like to stock up?
First build in a new town
what do you assume when you look at me?
Throwback to the time I smoked out of a Taki
Say the country that you live, without saying it
Mystery Box
10 days in on first grow
Someone tried to open my windows last night. First floor apartment
What are some good antihistamines that r like dph
How do I pick a seed?
Season 6: Shanese isn't the asshole, Ashley and Jennifer are
A successful mining trip with my gave me a bunch of coal. What should I do with it all?
Favorite brand?
My face when I realize I accidentally flushed my AirPods down the toilet on 400mgs,