Ok, so I have legitimate questions about Void Erosion
Does STR kefla have the highest ATK stacking potential?
Did people think it was really one sided?
So what yall think of the current state of Legends?
My honest reaction to that epsiode:
A small gripe (storywise)
Main sub rn
Characters with top 5 worst winrates (and the levels)
Harada goes off on a person complaining about Anna’s design
It’s Monster Hunter.
Don't worry guys
Players are furious o_o
Arkveld is very cool and i have accepted after 4 hunts that I'm not gonna beat him in 20 minutes.
The types of posts I've seen recently
Okay I have a question. Does Erin have literally ANYTHING to beat Clive in? Experience? Intelligence? Like. Anything?
Ya'll complain too much
please delete this character from the game
Dokkan seriously needs to optimize its storage usage.
Nothing to do with Asura Vs Kratos, but it's funny these people exist
I Don’t Think I’ve Heard Anyone Put It Quite So Elegantly Before.
Im starting to think they fucking hate piccolo
Not everyone thinks the same way as you
He got his ass beat in the most one sided fight of all time and got an alternate ending where he wins. How Asura the most respected and disrespected character in all of Death Battle😭😭😭😭
Feminized by my ex gf I can’t believe I used to be a dude 🤭
This game is genuinely unfun