Guess I'll never know if my bald spot is research-worthy… the Parkhats paradox.
Is it slow for everyone today or just me?
New Prolific update and why it's terrible
Prolific moving like molasses today?
I live
Post a single word that's unmistakably Seinfeld..
Rainbow Wolf
I've been transitioning for years...I now fully identify as a Costanza.
What’s your favorite thing someone on the show has eaten?
Advice Needed: Best Way to Get Out of Debt with High Balances and Limited Income
Is this a decent idea?
It's that understudy who put the hit on Bette!
Belated WIP Wednesday
Does prolific penalize you for getting a high paying study
I like the series finale.
Many Accounts Blocked Recently
Can anybody send me a link for bulb replacement for this model? Thanks
This was a 100% dick move by Elaine
How My Parents Missed Out on Millions by Never Investing!
/r/mturk Daily Discussion - August 24, 2022
Prolific down?
Yesterday in math we had a project and I made about the best thing, Vandelay Industries. I’m on the left if anyone cares,
/r/mturk Daily Discussion - September 19, 2019