Are you kidding me?
This is the text I got back from my coach after I quit to pursue my new teaching career…
This song is impossible to flawless on Expert and I can only bear to do Hard without losing my mind. I'm at a loss, any tips??? Practicing isn't working.
The blue album is overrated
Venom sucks
New songs this week!
Why do people say that Weezer is for virgins ?
Teen says her water bottle needs cleaning.
What celebrities are fans of Weezer?
What is the non-weezer song that you think weezer would make?
What do you call these chests?
My blue album tierlist!!
I finally got at least one maxed village in every biome and I got the Star Wars and NaNa villages to max lvl as well
Which contrail is your go to for skins without one?
Be easy on the game development please!
Name a good film with a sequel so terrible, that you refuse to acknowledge as existing.
Should they bring this button back?
Why would anyone voluntarily wear a shirt saying stupid with an arrow pointed at your head?
What skins would you want to see in 2025? I'll start...
My friend listened to Blue and ranked the songs. Did he cook?
How can i get 21 century breakdown in my username
What song is this??? 🫣🫣🫣
What’s a band that you’re hoping becomes a festival pass in the future?
Winterfest rewards/present order of which we can open them via - @StreamFNBR / Twitter
Weezer tier list (I hope that I’m not gonna get downvoted to oblivion 💀)
I relate to wanting harder songs